What do we do?
Wortelgat runs environmental, outdoor, educational, adventure, leadership and teambuilding programs with a Christian ethos, promoting Christian values and principles through experience and relationships. We offer these programs to churches, schools and many other types of groups. Wortelgat is also used as a venue for gatherings for various other group functions.

Good facilities and carefully designed programs need hard-working people on the ground to bring them to life. We offer 6 - 8 young people an opportunity to gain working experience within the Christian camping environment as Gap year Students. Along with this, we train and mentor them in each of our 4 pillars to prepare them for life. "Rooted" is the Gap Year Students Team name as well as our brand-name for any projects done by our Students!
Food & Accommodation
Adventure & Fun
To be equipped with life skills including personal budgeting
Training by accredited lecturers and certified practitioners.
Unique location situated on the banks of the Klein River Estuary
We encourage you to develop Godly values.

ABL Facilitation Training
Flatwater Paddling Guide Course
Basic Wilderness First Aid Level 3
Top Rope Supervisor
Basic Mountain Walking Leader
Fire Prevention & Protection
Insights Discovery Personal Effectiveness
Discovering Leadership Effectiveness
Discipleship Training
Entrepreneurship Training

Are between the ages 18 & 23 years.
Love Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour (with heart, soul and passion).
Have a desire to serve God, to seek and live out His will(a servant heart).
Have a love for people both young and old from all sectors of the community.
Have a teachable spirit – be prepared to learn and gain new experiences.
Enjoy the outdoors.
Be open for challenges.
To be involved in all aspects of camp life.
You need to adhere to all Wortelgat rules, regulations, values and conditions of employment.
Purpose Statement
Our aim is to provide an environment in which young people can build a lasting relationship with God and one another. People that are rooted and built up in Christ so they may be liberated, motivated and confident walking through life. Equipping them to be the people He has created them to be so they may thrive whereever they are planted, having a purpose driven life, making a difference in peoples lives.
A place where we are able to grow and encourage one another. Creatingan experience where they realize the value of devotions, quiet time and praise and worship. To teach biblical principles and values to everyone attending the Gap Year so that they can apply it in their communities and make a lasting impact.​
1. Adventure & Camp Programming
Here we focus on Training and practical experience in how to safely run camps, activities and facilitation as well as training in the logistics of such operations. This includes environmental training and team cohesion.
2. Discipleship & Spiritual Enrichment
A Discipleship and Spiritual mentorship program designed toward holistic faith formation including theological training through mentorship, practical application, and community service
3. Life Skills & Leadership Training
Our heart is to equip. Not only do we teach you day to day skills like cooking and budgeting etc. we also want to equip leaders by doing a year long course using the world renowned"Insights Discovery" learning methodology (Called Discovering Leadership Effectiveness).
4. Entrepreneurship
In this pillar we aim to equip you to make a living after Wortelgat. Through various short courses we teach you business communication skills, marketing and practical entrepreneurial courses exposing you to different jobs, skills & environments.
Communal Living
Practical Matters
You will live in community in the staff house with other gap year students and you need to provide your own bedding and other personal items.
The house operates on a “house kitty system” where an amount from your gratuity is deducted each month and added to the “kitty”. This amount will be used for communal meals during the week .
You will be expected to help with cooking suppers and other meals on a rotational basis.

From the pit to the Palace
You will have allocated responsibilities on a rotational basis.
Be respectful, considerate and even sacrificial at times.
"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, ROOTED and built up in Him and established in faith, just as you were taught, overflowing with thankfulness"
- Colossians 2:6-7